Camino Kimono Membership

Welcome to our 10 years anniversary membership deal. Yes, we will talk business! But GOOOOD business, for every party! So please read on (4.5 minutes read).

Camino Art House opened its door in 2015, it was called Camino Art Hostel at that time. Our first location was in Hoya de Pineda, in a magical valley near Galdar. After 2 exciting years we moved to Vega de San Mateo, and we are cultivating inspiring, kind, healing and magical energies since then. The project is stepping into its adulthood. It has been growing and blooming constantly, and it is time to settle down and harvest the real meaning and purpose of the project.

We want to create and offer more benefits, deeper connections and even more meaningful events and build a community that gathers to celebrate real values through art and education. That is why we start the Camino Kimono Membership program.

valle del mireles

For whom the membership is created for?

  1. If you are a regular guest in Camino, you feel the urge to return time to time and you feel that Camino has a special place in your heart: this membership is for you.
  2. If you have been to Camino and you knew the moment you left that you would come back, this membership is for you.
  3. If you had been our volunteer and you know that Camino is a special place for you on Earth, you had been and you will come back: this membership is for you (check out the special deal for volunteers)
  4. If you are interested in participating in meaningful, educational events that hold high value in topics like: arts, self-development, environmental awareness, community development, food and health awareness, gardening and landscaping: this membership is for you.
  5. You want to spend longer time on Gran Canaria, maybe to escape the European winter, or just to be close to the ocean and the magical land: this membership is for you.
  6. You know someone that would fit in one or more of the categories above, and you want to buy a membership as a gift: this membership is for you (more precisely, for the one to whom you intend it as a gift, please contact us for the details of your lucky person)
  7. You want to support Camino Art House, a project that offers so much for visitors, artists, young and elderly people, and where spending time is often described as a „life-changing” experience: this membership is for you.

What is included in the membership?

  • Membership card

with different designs from our beloved artist friends

  • 2 weeks holiday (for one person) 15th april – 15th october

In this timeframe you can spend two weeks in Camino Art House for free. Please still give a donation for the food. You can divide the two weeks into several shorter periods, however fits the best in your schedule.

  • 25% discount 16th october – 14th april

If you hold a membership card you will get 25% discount for your accommodation in this time frame. Please still give a full donation for the food.

  • 25% discount on all our events/camps/festivals

Please have a look at our calendar at

  • 25% discount on the Camino Book

The Camino Book is not only the story of Camino Art House, but also a kind of handbook for those who feel the call for more meaningful and authentic life. This book want to be an inspiration, a toolkit for those, who have been cherishing a dream, but haven’t yet started to walk the path to bring it alive. The book will be also a beautiful memorial album to keep our sparkling, magical and life-changing memories that we experiened together in one place. Comes out November 2025 for the 10th aniversary.

  • 50% discount on the Camino Diary Book

A notebook with significant questions, excercises, recommendations that will guide you through your journey.

  • One upcycled unique kimono

It is a longer story, but make it short: our lovely volunteers once gifted second hand kimonos to all the team members so we ended up waering the kimonos during the first Let me Bloom festival in 2022. This was so much fun that we actually wore those kimonos as a symbol of our tribe. They loved our outfit on our festival celebration dinner in our favorite sushi restaurant 😊 The kimonos are found in second hand shops in Las Palmas, carefully washed, and if needed designed up to offer you a perfect, comfortable and stylish kimono for home or streetware.

  • One Camino T-shirt with different design ever year

Comes out for the yearly Construction Camp at the end of october.

  • You can plant a tree when you are here and name it!

This tree will be spotted in our Camino Map

  • One Camino Map

A print of the Camino Map, updated with the new spaces and hidden spots that we create from time to time. (note that NOT all the secret places are mapped, there is a reason for that, and you can read about it in the Camino Book)

  • SWAP Me! – artist residency exhange program

As a member of Camino Art House you can participate in the Swap me! program. If you are an artist, or an arty creative, you can apply to be a resident in other art collectives all around the world. The list of partners are growing. Camino Art House will offer to host the partner counties’ artists.

Membership fee – Special prices for children, families and volunteers

We kindly ask you to cotnribute the following amount to get all the benefits of the membrership:

  • 150€/person/year
  • 75€/person/year for youngsters between 14-18 years old
  • 120€/person/year for ex or present volunteers
  • 300€/family/year (2 adults + 1 or 2 or 3 children under 14 years old)

Duration of the membership

Cancellation and transferability

How to become a Camino Kimono member?

  1. Send an e-mail to Or send a text message on whatsapp to +34633339903 and request a membership.
  2. Read and fill up the confirmation letter and the questionnaire and send it back to us.
  3. As soon as we received your payment, your membership starts and it lasts for one year. You will receive a welcoming e-mail to start your Kimono journey, please send it back to us.


With paying the membership fee you automatically accept and agree to the conditions above. You acknoweledge that you become a member of Camino Art House (Camino del Dragon Association). If you have questions please contact on whatsapp: +34633339903 (only text) or e-mail: caminoart @