7th December, 5pm
Gravity Glue Photo Exhibition – Camino Art Den (Las Palmas, Calle Alonso Alvarado 5)
13th December, 1pm
Gravity Glue Balance Day – Camino Art House (Vega de San Mateo)

“You have to do the hard things. The things that no one else is doing. The things that scare you. The things that make you wonder how much longer you can hold on. Those are the things that define you. Those are the things that make the difference between living a life of mediocrity or outrageous success.”
~ Dan Waldschmidt
“This has been a central approach to most of my daily practice.. to challenge myself, often beyond my known skill level… destroying my own comfort zones in the process.. Like I’ve always said, if my first thought is “this will never work”, it often yields some kind of magic if I decide to go all in anyway… killing expectations is a prerequisite. Same concept with traveling to new locations, or considering various international contracts/live performances. If a prospect scares the hell out of me, then it usually demands a higher position on my potential ‘to do’ list. Another good bit of advice along this line of thinking is to start before you’re ready. If all you do is wait until you’re ready, then there’s a good chance that A) you’ll never be READY, and/or B) you will have missed the immediate window of opportunity..
I can attribute a substantial proportion of my past successes to pursuing my curiosity into the unknown. Doing things that scared me shitless. Facing the tasks my logical mind says no to… or “this is impossible”. Each one of these instances has both enriched my skill, overall work, portfolio, heart, mind, and character in some way.” – Michael Grab
Please meet Michael Grab, alias Gravity Glue! We are honored to host him at Camino Art House in December and invite you to his Photo Exhibition (in our Las Palmas Studio) and Balance Day (in Camino Art House in Vega de San Mateo). These days are going to be extraordinary! Not just because of his magical presence, but also because we will study and practice the unknown, we will master the universe, the law of everything and more, and we will learn about ourselves. Experimenting and challenging the „impossible”, observing the most important energy of the planet: gravity, will be our main focus. We will use different techniques, methods and different environments. The only thing that will remain the same: the balance that we are all looking for.
7th December, 5pm
Gravity Glue Photo Exhibition – Camino Art Den (Las Palmas)
Our guest: Michael Grab
My name is Michael Grab, and I began balancing rocks via “happy accident” in the Summer of 2008 while exploring Boulder Creek (Boulder, CO, USA). Since then, curious spark has spiraled into creative passion, way of life, and prolific international phenomenon/movement.
I quickly noticed the therapeutic/transformative effects that balancing and working with nature had on myself and others; in an artistic sense, but also nurturing something uniquely human, inspiring a sense of magic and peace, luring awareness out of the mind and into the moment — ultimately cultivating a meditative presence.
“Gravity Glue” is the alias I created to describe and share my experience in the realm of Stone Balance Art/Yoga
Gravity is the only “Glue” that holds these structures in equilibrium.
Gravity Glue on the surface was initially created for sharing my balance art; However, through time and experience, the cultivated ethos of GG appears to demonstrate a process of learning to “flow” as an integral function of Nature. It is an archetype for creation, whose key to the universe is creative active meditation and alignment with nature, through which, one touches/experiences infinity on a regular basis.
5pm – snacks/beers, Gravity Glue movie projection
6pm – Piano Session with Botond Orikiss
after the concert:
Conversation with the artist and opening of the exhibition.
The event is for free. We accept donation for food and drinks. The photoprints are available for purchase.
13th December, 1pm – Gravity Glue Balance Day – Camino Art House (Vega de San Mateo)
What is Rock Balancing? The process boils down to contemplative vertical stone arrangement; involving patience, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptation, slow-breathing, steady hands, and a lot of other practiced skills…
Rock Balancing is: Worldwide Phenomenon, Contemplative Yoga Practice, Ephemeral Nature Art/Therapy, Psychological Alchemy, Magic.
Physical Ingredients: Rocks + Gravity
Metaphysical Ingredients: Patience + Open/Empty Mind
What we will do on the Gravity Glue Day? (program)
12pm – Gathering/snacks
1pm – 5pm – Rock Balancing Workshop
6pm – Projection and drinks
8pm – Dinner and drinks
If you wish to participate, or you have questions please contact Bea (caminoart at caminoart.org).
The fee for the workshop including the workshop, snack and dinner: 55€. You can have beer / wine in the evening for donation.
Hope to see you at the exhibition opening, and on the balancing day. This is going to be a unique, extraordinary and meaningful experience!
Have a look at Michael’s work: